Civil Engineering in Augusta and Charleston, SC area
Civil Engineering is the foundation of all projects. Johnson, Laschober & Associates (JLA) Civil Engineers are team oriented problem solvers who utilize our Landscape Architects for creative and cost effective site developments. JLA’s professional Civil Engineers have specialized experience in permitting and provide developments in new designs, roadways, environmental and retrofit and operational improvements to clients in the Augusta and Charleston area.
JLA New Project Design
JLA is committed to providing our quality experience in new design structures and developments to clients in the Augusta and Charleston area. Our professional engineers have expertise in multiple areas that include:
- Site and infrastructure master plans
- Utility rate studies
- Site layout, grading and drainage
- Underground utilities (potable water, waste water, fire water, storm water)
- Water system storage (elevated and ground)
- Water and wastewater control systems
- Pumping stations (sanitary and stormwater)
- Stormwater hydrology (above and below ground storage)
- FEMA No-rise analysis
- Pavement design (asphalt, concrete)
Georgia DOT Prequalified Roadways
JLA is a Georgia DOT prequalified consultant for our Augusta area clients. We are authorized and prequalified in the following area classes:
- 3.01 Two-lane or multi-lane rural generally free access highway design
- 3.08 Landscape architecture
- 3.11 Architecture
- 3.13 Facilities for bicycles and pedestrians
- 3.15 HIghway Lighting
Environmental Civil Engineering Development
Our clients in the Augusta and Charleston area, whether public, private, or industrial, share the same goal. They seek cost-effective solutions that balance the economic, social, and environmental issues of their projects. At JLA, we meet this goal and aim for projects that enhance the quality of life for present and future generations.
- Permitting local, state (GA, SC and NC) and federal
- Erosion Sedimentation and Pollution Control plans (ESPC) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES permit)
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plans (SPCCM)
- StormWater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)
- Lined containment ponds
Retrofit/Operational Improvements
JLA is committed to providing our quality experience in retrofit and operational improvements to clients in the Augusta and Charleston area. Our professional engineers have expertise in multiple areas that include:
- Traffic routing analysis and design
- Industrial security operations-entrance and perimeter control
- Truck and rail loading/unloading facilities
- Site utility upgrades
- Site fire protection and utility upgrades
- Irrigation